“Have a lived life instead of a career. Put yourself in the safekeeping of good taste. Lived freedom will compensate you for a few losses. . . . If you don’t like the style of others, cultivate your own. Get to know the tricks of reproduction, be a self-publisher even in conversation, and then the joy of working can fill your days.” George Konrád-
“Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open.” Rose Wilder Lane-
"In the garage I feel safe No one cares about my ways In the garage Where I belong No one hears me sing this song In the garage" Rivers Cuomo-
“The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.” Robert M. Pirsig-
The Desktop Pro Vaporizer is a laboratory grade vaporizer designed in co-operation with Onsen Labs. This device was designed around Onsen Labs desire to have an all inert…
Josh Gore Works has a long history of modeling, reverse engineering, and designing surgical and dental instruments for one of the premier manufacturers. Attached is a catalog of…
A health and fitness company reached out to Josh Gore Works to design and develop a yoga ball chair for home or office. The customer requested several concepts…
A health and fitness company was interested in improving the elastic band training experience with their existing product by giving the user feedback and a rep counter. Resistance…
A popular remote retainer service was looking for an enclosure for their new line of invisible retainers and reached out to Josh Gore Works for some conceptual designs…