“Have a lived life instead of a career. Put yourself in the safekeeping of good taste. Lived freedom will compensate you for a few losses. . . . If you don’t like the style of others, cultivate your own. Get to know the tricks of reproduction, be a self-publisher even in conversation, and then the joy of working can fill your days.” George Konrád-
“Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open.” Rose Wilder Lane-
"In the garage I feel safe No one cares about my ways In the garage Where I belong No one hears me sing this song In the garage" Rivers Cuomo-
“The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.” Robert M. Pirsig-
A popular remote retainer service was looking for an enclosure for their new line of invisible retainers and reached out to Josh Gore Works for some conceptual designs with different lid functions.